The Story
Tahani’s story
Tahani gave birth to her son Ahmed under siege. When news got out, a neighbor appeared at her door, begging her to breastfeed her own new-born girl. By then in Douma food of any kind had become a priceless luxury and the mother was so malnourished that she couldn’t produce any milk. Tahani thought of her own fragile health and her own baby, but the child in front of her was so desperately skinny, she couldn't find a way to say no. Miraculously, all three pulled through.
Itab & Dina met Tahani in a rented house in a village, near the Jordanian border. Thirty six months under siege had brought her very close to starvation, but somehow she had managed to get out to Damascus and smuggle herself onto a bus south, where her mother awaited her with bowls of her favourite mloukhyya and okra stew “I dived into them and ate like a wolf” she said.